The Day I Come to You, It Will All Come Crumbling Down
Each threshold stands as both a sanctuary and a sieve. When asked to design the temporary entrance to the site of the Horst Arts and Music Festival, we reflected on this double-sided notion, defining a temporary temple with 6-meter-high columns whose foundations would plunge into bins. The entrance to the festival site serves as a 'depuration' point for specific prohibited possessions that are not allowed on the premises. In this sense, the entire structure can be read as a stacking of these leftovers in their containers. Given its rather short life of three days, the structure was made only of rentable and discarded materials.
The Day I Come to You, It Will All Come Crumbling Down
In collaboration with
Flore Fockedey
Commissioned by
Horts Arts and Music Festival
Eline Willaert, Elias Derboven, Illias Teirlinck,
The Day I Come to You, It Will All Come Crumbling Down
Each threshold stands as both a sanctuary and a sieve. When asked to design the temporary entrance to the site of the Horst Arts and Music Festival, we reflected on this double-sided notion, defining a temporary temple with 6-meter-high columns whose foundations would plunge into bins. The entrance to the festival site serves as a 'depuration' point for specific prohibited possessions that are not allowed on the premises. In this sense, the entire structure can be read as a stacking of these leftovers in their containers. Given its rather short life of three days, the structure was made only of rentable and discarded materials.
The Day I Come to You, It Will All Come Crumbling Down
In collaboration with
Flore Fockedey
Commissioned by
Horts Arts and Music Festival
Eline Willaert, Elias Derboven, Illias Teirlinck,